

Thank you for stopping by my little place in the blogisphere!  This is my creative spot to share my thoughts on home, travel and photography. 

An elementary art teacher by profession, I am now enjoying the good life!  I travel as much as I can with my amazing husband and love sharing my travels with you.  I also enjoy puttering around in the garden and opening my home to share good times with  friends and family.  Along the way, I have become smitten with photography and while I am definitely an amateur, I love sharing my photos of travel, nature and of course, my sweet grandchildren.   

If you run across something that interest or inspires you I would love to hear your thoughts!

Wishing you peace and blessings as you go through your day.

xxoo – Gerri



10 thoughts on “About

      1. I see that you have been nominated a second time for the same award. I certainly understand that it takes time to complete the acceptance blog, especially deciding on 15 others to nominate. Take all the time you need. I just think this is an excellent way to extend the blogging community.


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